Don’t buy a new computer. Save money. Get more life out of your old laptop with DeGeekIT TuneUp.
Back to School Special this July, August and September! Read on to find out more!!!
Computers slow down over time, or so most people think. In reality a well tuned computer can run for many many years, almost like new. Conversely, many “cheap” new computers are full of unwanted rubbish, known as “crapware”. This is where a DeGeekIT TuneUp can save your time, money and levels of frustration!
In the image above, both laptops are “old” by computer standards (7 years and 5 years), yet both are running like new. While there are many apps out there that claim to speed up your machine, very few really do.
DeGeekIT TuneUp is different.
What is a DeGeekIT TuneUp?
DeGeekIT TuneUp is a service, offered in Dublin, Meath and the north-east of Ireland. You deliver your old computer to me, or I will visit you. I will give you a quick assessment of whether the machine is fit for a DeGeekIT TuneUp. I will need a list of any accounts and passwords that need to be maintained, and we’ll talk about what to keep on the machine (such as old versions of Microsoft Office, which might be licensed to you and therefore still very valuable).
Since the tune up process can only run as quickly as the machine is currently operating, it is not unusual for the process to take up to 24 hours. Typically you will be able to expect the returned machine to operate like new, very close to its original speed, or occasionally faster.
If there are any broken or dying hardware components in the machine, I may advise an upgraded component. If it is not economically sensible to do so, I may just give you an honest appraisal that a new machine might make more sense.
How much does a DeGeekIT TuneUp cost?
If no additional hardware component purchases are necessary, typically the service will cost €95. However, in order to help with Back To School Costs, throughout August and September, the service will be discounted to just €75.
Don’t wait too long and don’t waste money on new “cheap” machines. Call James at DeGeekIT now on 0863804373. Alternatively, find DeGeekIT on Facebook or contact us by email.