Snapchat introduced the Snap Map and “Our Story” features in June 2017.
It soon became clear that it has created some Internet safety concerns.
Parents of teenagers, and many Snapchat’s adult users, are unaware that it might now be sharing their location. Worryingly, when combined with posts to “Our Story”, users can also publicise photos and videos of themselves somewhat unwittingly.
It is the kind of feature that is extremely appealing to the app’s younger audience, who are usually the least aware of the risks involved.
The combination of the two features potentially provides stalkers and thieves a window into a Snapchat user’s life, that didn’t previously exist. A digital trail might create ammunition for bullies at school. Family pictures could reveal unattended homes.
DeGeekIT strongly recommends putting Snap Map in “Ghost Mode” (only me), and that posts to Our Story are avoided. Watch the video above to learn more.
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